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Tooth-Friendly Thanksgiving

Are you all excited about Thanksgiving? We sure are! When the week of Thanksgiving comes there’s a nice chill in the air, the leaves have changed color and are falling off of the trees, and the grocery stores are filled with people shopping. It brings such sweet memories, as families fly out and drive all over the country to spend a few days with their loved ones. What a great time of reflection and creating new memories! There is so much to in our lives to be be thankful for. We are especially thankful for you – our family of customers. Our goal each day is to bring you innovative solutions that will make your lives easier. Hopefully we are doing just that! You all have given us great feedback on social media, and we love getting to know you and your families. Not only do we want to grow our business but we enjoy chatting with you about parenthood, our faith, and even sharing recipes. It brings us great joy to be a part of your family as well.

Since we’re family now, we want to know what will be on your Thanksgiving table?  Don’t forget to have your toothbrush and floss handy. You’ll need them after the cranberry sauce, candied yams, and pecan pie. Here are some quick tips to keep your teeth healthy during Thanksgiving.

  • Drink water while you eat – One of the worst things that you can do to your teeth is to nibble on food all day. However, if you drink plenty of water during and in between meals, what happens is the water acts as a mini teeth cleaning washing away many of the food particles that would otherwise lay stagnant in your teeth breeding more and more teeth eroding bacteria throughout the day.
  • Brush, rinse, and floss if you can – This should be first on the list, and the only reason that it’s second is because we realize how many people travel for Thanksgiving and therefore, either don’t have the availability like you would at home to do these things or maybe forgot to pack a toothbrush etc. for their day trip. If you can though, make sure you brush three times on Thanksgiving Day even if you don’t on any other day of the year.
  • Stay away from teeth staining foods – Did you know that eating some Thanksgiving Day staples such as cranberries and many types of pies can be some of the worst teeth staining foods that you can possibly eat? So try and steer clear of foods that may have strong coloring to them, these same colors will eventually end up on your teeth. Also look out for sweet and sticky foods such as pecan pie which can stick to and erode away your teeth all day unless you brush to get that sticky deliciousness off.
  • Bring your floss – Even though it may be more difficult to bring a toothbrush or mouthwash, it’s very easy to take your floss with you wherever you may go. So take advantage of this and when you are done with your meal be sure to get all of those leftovers out of your teeth. Even if you just floss after your Thanksgiving meals and drink plenty of water with them you will be making a world of difference for your dental health that day. Article:

From our entire team, Happy Thanksgiving – may it be a sweet time of fellowship, fun, and remembrance of how blessed we truly are!

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