The to-do list seems to grow with each passing day. Our homes have laundry piles that never seem to dwindle. The kids have homework, youth group, sports, dance, and the list goes on. We also can’t forget that our families must be fed, and our husbands need us too. Where do we find ourselves in the hustle and bustle? Is it even possible to fit alone time in our schedules?
There are so many demands on our lives especially as moms – we can find ourselves lost in the shuffle. Everyone seems to be pulling at us, and our energy is well spent on them. Our sacrificial love for others is the fuel that drives us. We love nurturing, helping, and serving those we love. In fact, we forget to add our own names to the list of loved ones. Soon we notice that we are irritable, anxious, and exhausted from it all. This happens so easily in our day to day lives, and we have become accustomed to sweeping our own needs under the rug. However, if we are not careful we will give so much of ourselves that we will not have much left to give. Self-care expert, Eleanor Brownn, says “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” We could not agree more. Have you ever tried drinking from an empty cup?
Knowing that we need to make time for self-care is easier said than done- we understand. We can think of many things to do for ourselves. Often times, we notice our feet need a pedicure or our bodies could use a massage at a lovely spa. The problem is how and when can this happen? Self-care looks different for every person. For one person it may be a 30 minute run at the park, and for another it may mean 20 minutes of personal prayer time. It could mean imagining yourself walking on the beach during your morning coffee. What works for each person will depend on various factors – resources, amount of spare time, someone to watch small children etc. Self-care will also be related to the stage of life you’re in. If you have teenagers who can be left alone for some time, then a spa day could work for you. If you have little ones, you could ask a friend or family member to babysit while you exercise for 30 minutes. The value we place on self-care should be as important as our care for others. Our bodies, minds, and spirits will have time for restoration and uplift when we do this.
Self-care is not one size fits all. Each person can sense when they need a break. Don’t ignore that prompting to take some time alone. It will serve you well to do so, it will give fresh perspective to each day, and have positive effects on those around you. Everyone benefits from your investment in you – especially those you love the most. You can find more enthusiasm, joy, and peace in the busyness of life. Who couldn’t use more joy and peace? We know we could.