Last weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting thirteen adorable kids and their families at our casting call. What an awesome time we had! Our production team and executive staff worked tirelessly to make sure the event went off without a hitch. Let’s just say – we had a few bumps in the road, but in the end , it was fantastic! We were very happy with how the event turned out being that it was our first casting call ever. The children ranged in age from about 10 months old to 4 years old. Can you believe there were no meltdowns during our four hour photo-shoot? The kids slept, laughed, played together, ate some yummy food, and then gave us some of the cutest smiles and poses. We wanted to love on them all day long! Our entire team was able to sit and talk with parents – we talked about parenting, oral care, and daily life.
The aim of connecting with families is not only to sell more toothbrushes or any other product for that matter. What matters most to us is connecting with families and being a support to each of them. We know each family is unique with it’s own set of challenges – our own families are no different. The commonalities we have are far more than our differences. We hope that as we host more events, attend more shows, and love on more families – that people would know us by our love. Baby Buddy is a brand that seeks to empower parents on their journey understanding that without your support our work would be in vain.
Please follow us on social media over the next couple of weeks to meet our new brand models! Like, comment, share, and visit our website to check out the products we featured in more detail. If you would like your child featured on our social media accounts – feel free to send their high resolution pictures to and tag us with #ilovebabybuddy=
Can’t wait to meet more of your cute kids!